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Ph.D. Registration Form

Instructions to Candidates:

  1. Please read the instructions carefully before filling out the form.
  2. Ensure all information is accurate and complete.
  3. Attach self-attested photocopies of required documents.
  4. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Personal Details

Academic Qualifications

(Starting from the most recent)

Qualification Year of Passing Institution University/Board % / Grade Subject

Research Information

Work Experience (if any)

Organization Position Held Duration Responsibilities

Enclosures Checklist

Signature of Applicant

I hereby declare that the information provided by me in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any incorrect or incomplete information will lead to the cancellation of my candidature.

Future University Bank Details

A/C No: 3647002100029387



Admissions to the Ph.D. programs at Future University are held twice a year, for the January and July sessions. The program requires mandatory coursework, regular participation in academic interactions, and the submission of progress reports through presentations. The minimum duration for completing a Ph.D. is 3 years for those entering with a Master's degree, and 4 years for those entering directly after a minimum 4-year Bachelor's degree, where such eligibility is applicable? The maximum allowed duration for the Ph.D. program is 6 years. While each student will be assigned a main guide from Future University, an External Co-Guide must also be appointed from the student's organization. The External Co-Guide will only be confirmed once their profile has been approved by the university's authorities. Future University encourages interdisciplinary research and the exchange of ideas across related fields. As part of this, scholars may choose to appoint a Co-Guide from outside the university, in accordance with university regulations. The main guide will be selected from Future University based on the student's research topic and the availability of faculty members. Full-time Ph.D. candidates also have the opportunity to work as research fellows on ongoing, prestigious projects at the university.

Ph.D Programs offered in

Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology)
Doctor of Philosophy (Commerce)
Doctor of Philosophy
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (Basic & Applied Sciences)
Doctor of Philosophy (Management)

Admission Procedure

Applications for admission to the Ph.D. program at Future University are accepted twice a year, for the January and July sessions.
Candidates applying for the Ph.D. program, must meet the required percentage of marks, grade point average, subjects, or specializations as specified for each Ph.D. program.
The admission form must be filled out and submitted ONLINE ONLY, along with the necessary documents in the specified format. An online payment of Rs. 2050/- must be made via Credit/Debit card. No hard copies will be accepted. A candidate may only appear for the selection process for the applied Ph.D. program once per session.
Each form will be considered for the selection process/admission to a single program only.

Candidates should refer to the "Application Form" section for the following:

  • List of essential documents to be uploaded during application.
  • Guidelines for writing a Preliminary Research Idea.

Candidates will receive information about application requirements, the date, time, and venue of the selection process (written test and/or interview) exclusively on the College website at It is the candidate's responsibility to regularly check the University website for updates and select a date for the PET (Ph.D. Entrance Test). No separate communication will be sent.

On any given PET/selection process date, an applicant may participate in the selection process for only one program. Candidates applying for multiple Ph.D. programs through separate forms (and across different Future campuses) must ensure they attend the selection process for each program on different PET/selection process dates.
Eligible candidates must appear for the Selection Process, which includes the PET (Ph.D. Entrance Test) and an interview round, as per UGC Ph.D. guidelines. Candidates exempt from the PET, as outlined in the 'Eligibility Criteria' section, will only participate in the interview.
Selected candidates will be notified about their selection on the College Website.
An online admission letter will be uploaded on the College Website within two days of selection. This will include details about fee payment, the start date of the academic session, and other relevant information.
The offer of admission will be provisional and valid only for the selected program and the same academic session. If conditions are not met by the specified deadline, the admission offer will be automatically canceled.

Note 1: Working applicants must submit an NOC at the time of registration and orientation within a month of selection.

Selection Process Pattern:

The Future Ph.D. Entrance Test (APET) will be of 90 minutes duration, consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) totaling 100 marks, with no negative marking. The test will have two sections administered together:

Particular Component Questions Marks
Section 1 – General This section will assess candidates' research aptitude, covering: General Knowledge & Research Awareness, English Language, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Analysis, Data Analysis and Interpretation. 50 Questions (1 mark each) 50 marks
Section 2 – Subject Specific This section will focus on the program/subject-specific content for the Ph.D. program applied for. It will consist of two parts: 25 questions from the Ph.D. program subject, and 25 questions from the program subject or a related field. The difficulty level will be comparable to UGC-CSIR-NET, GATE, etc., or Master's level. 50 Questions (1 mark each) 50 marks

Interview by Faculty Research Committee (FRC)

  • Only for APET-qualified and APET-exempted candidates | 30 marks

Ph.D. Application Form:

Instructions for Submission of Online Application Form:

At the start of form filling choose your Ph.D program and campus of study carefully.

  • Fill in the Application Form only if you are satisfied about your eligibility for admission to the program and will be able to submit all the required documents in time
  • Documents required during Ph.D form filling :
    • Scanned passport size photograph: (jpg, gif, png, jpeg, bmp). The dimensions of the photograph should be 3.5 x 4.5cm width.
    • Scanned Class X mark sheet. (format : jpg, gif, png, jpeg, bmp) Scanned Post-Graduation marks sheet till final semester / year. (format: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, bmp).
    • A valid personal e-mail ID.


  • Candidate seeking admission to Ph.D. must apply online only. Hard copies will not be accepted.
  • Online Application Form will not get registered untill the candidate has submitted all the required documents mentioned above. Applicants in their final semester/ year of post graduation may apply but their form will be registered and they will be offered a PET date only on receipt of the pending document latest by five days prior to Future's last PET of the academic session.
  • Merely submission of an application form, does not constitute a claim for an offer date for the selection procedure or admission to the program. The form may be rejected due to deficiency in the supporting documents, not following the prescribed procedures or any other valid reason.
  • An Application Form Number and Password is generated on submission of the application form which will be required for future reference. A mail is sent to the applicant in this regard on the registered email-id.

  • Candidates are advised to keep a printed copy of the online Application Form.
  • The Application Form Number and Password which is generated on submission of the application form is required to check / do the following related to your admission. Logon to your College Website by using your form no. & password.
    • Check whether your Form has been received or not.
    • Check the Status of your Form.
    • Select the date for appearing in the selection Procedure and download Admit Card.
    • Check your selection status.
    • Print Admission letter after you have been selected.
    • Check confirmation of fee payment after making payment.

No separate communication will be sent in this regard.

Fill & submit Application Form: Click Here

Future University Bank Details:

A/C No: 3647002100029387



Scan QR Code to submit the fees

Important Points:

  • Date of Registration

    The date of registration of the candidates shall be the date of actual registration on Amizone.

  • Attendance Requirement 

    The Ph.D. scholars are expected to have full attendance (i.e. 100%) in each course. However, a minimum of 75% attendance in each course shall be mandatory for becoming eligible to appear in the end semester examinations. 
    Further, for the promotion to the next semester, the Ph.D. scholars are required to attain minimum 90% attendance out of the total working days in each semester, else their Semester Progress Report may be marked “Unsatisfactory”.

  • Course Work

    All candidates admitted to Ph. D. programs have to compulsorily do the course work assigned and shall be required to take a written examination for the same. Coursework period will ordinarily be of minimum six months duration. A candidate will earn credits for a Course Unit only if he obtains a minimum of Grade B+ (Points 07 on scale of 10). If a candidate fails to get qualifying Grade B+, he / she will be given second opportunity to improve his/her qualifying Grade to B+, i.e. Point 7 on ten point scale failing which his/her registration is liable to be cancelled. Scholars shall be required to undertake coursework for a minimum period of one semester, not exceeding one academic year from the date of the provisional registration.

  • Comprehensive Examination

    Each candidate, on completion of course work, shall be required to take a comprehensive examination which will test his/her comprehension or knowledge in his/her broad field of research and his/her academic preparation and potentials to carry out the research work. The comprehensive examination shall be combination of both written and oral examinations and shall be conducted by the concerned institution. The candidate is required to secure at least Grade B+ (Points 07 on scale of 10) in comprehensive examination.

  • Minimum and Maximum Degree Duration 

    Candidate will be given the time duration for submission of his / her Ph.D. thesis (from the date of registration) as per the details given below:

Minimum Time Period Maximum Time Period
  • 3 years (for those taking admission based on master’s program)
  • 4 years (for those taking direct admission based on 4 year bachelor’s program)

Fee Structure for Ph.D programs :

The Prescribed Fees* for an Indian National candidate is as under :

1. Registration Fee Rs 10,000/-
2. Security Deposit Rs 10,000/-
3. Academic Fee Rs. 50,000/- per semester

Note :

  • Academic fee will be paid semester wise for the two semesters in a year. Enrolled scholar will pay fee for the minimum period (minimum 3 or 4 years ) and beyond the minimum period for the duration she/ he stays enrolled until Ph.D. completion.
  • Future Fellowship /Scholarship/ Financial Aid/Fee concession to the selected scholars, Future academic/ Non-academic Staff, JRF/SRF/RA employed in the University, National level Fellowship holders or scholars working in labs where Future University has Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), if applicable, will be allowed by the University as per the system in vogue.
  • The Security Deposit will be refunded after completion of Ph.D.

* Fee is subject to revision from time to time as decided by the University.

Eligibility Criteria for Admission:

Candidates seeking admission to the Ph.D. Program, shall have to possess requisite percentage of marks / grade point average in qualifying examination as indicated below:

  • The required minimum qualification for admission to a Ph.D Program is a) Master’s from a recognised Indian or Foreign University/ Institute in the relevant field with minimum 55% marks or Equivalent CGPA OR b) A four years Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised Indian or Foreign University/ Institute in the relevant field with minimum 75% marks or Equivalent CGPA
  • Applicants who have successfully completed their first year degree course (Undergraduate course) by 04/June/1986, irrespective of the duration, shall be treated at par with those who have completed a three year first degree course. Those who hold a two year first degree and had enrolled for this course after 04/June/1986, will be required to undergo a further one year bridge course. UGC notification dated 17/August/2015
  • Applicants with Chartered Accountancy (CA) Qualification from 'The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India' (ICAI)/ Cost and Works Accountancy of ICWAI/ Company Secretary of ICSI with a minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade may be considered eligible for admission to Ph.D. Programs in the relevant field.

6 years

Ph.D Scholarship

  • Regular Academic Staff of Future: Regular academic staff of Future University will get scholarship of 20% on the course fees.

Ph.D. Registration Form