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Hostels – Home Away from Home

The university is equipped with fully furnished separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. The hostels are specially designed with two primary objectives of safety and comfort. It has round-the-clock security, with stringent security procedures and comfortable apartments that our students enjoy living in. The hostels have state-of-the-art washrooms (toilet and bathing cells). Cleanliness is maintained by the staff on duty. Each hostel room provides peaceful atmosphere and pollution-free environment, conducive to the mental, physical and spiritual development of the students and helps them become self-reliant.

Each Hostel (separate for boys and girls ) in the university is self-contained with amenities such as a reading room, an indoor games room, a lounge and a dining hall with mess.

The deliberations of the Hostel are governed by the Hostel Committees which includes student representatives under the office of Chief Warden. Working through this responsible body, the committee members lay down appropriate norms of behavior to suit different situations and social occasions in the hostels including the norms for dining hall.

Hostel Helpline – Girls Hostel : 18001236789 /Boys Hostel : +91-9917480040

Students Hostel Fee (Boys/Girls)

Rooms Non AC (Per annum) AC (Per annum)
4 Seater 65000 NA
3 Seater 70000 100000
2 Seater 75000 110000

5000/- Security fee for New Student

Facilities at Hostels

24 x 7 Power Supply

Wi-Fi Internet Services

Well-furnished common rooms


Well- equipped reading rooms

Night Canteen & Tuck Shops


Gym Services

Visitors & Guest Room

Sanctity of The Hostels

For any queries or complaint please contact –

Additional Director Admin E-mail –
Mobile - +91-9917480040
For Hostel Allotment please contact Email -
Mobile - +91-9917480040